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Total number of items: 968

What are advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs)?

Advanced therapy medicinal products are based on living materials such as cells, tissues or genes and constitute a separate class of medicines that are subject to their own regulatory framework.

LOAd – immunostimulatory gene therapy for cancer

LOAd – immunostimulatory gene therapy for cancer LOAd is a group of oncolytic adenoviruses developed by the research group led by Angelica Loskog, Adjunct Professor at Uppsala University.

Protrans - cell therapy for type 1 diabetes

A research team led by Professor Per-Ola Carlsson is studying the possibility of dampening the immune system attack in type 1 diabetes and preventing further loss of beta cells in the patient's

Extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of inflammatory conditions

Professor Karl-Henrik Grinnemo explains: The drug consists of something similar to small bubbles, called extracellular vesicles, produced by bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells. These vesicles

AdVince - immunotherapy for neuroendocrine cancer

AdVince is an immunotherapy developed by Professor Magnus Essand's research group at Uppsala University. It is a so-called oncolytic adenovirus that is used in the treatment of neuroendocrine