Vision and Strategic Plan for UCCC

Our vision is:

"To be the leading cancer centre with a focus on patients"

To achieve this, we work closely with patients to continuously develop and improve the care, research, and education conducted at the centre. We have outlined four primary strategies, each with detailed action plans.

Visions and strategies in an organogram

We systematically work to develop partnerships with patients

  • UCCC has effective multidisciplinary diagnostic processes. UCCC operates with efficient multidisciplinary diagnostic processes that continuously work to implement new treatment principles based on international advances and carry out improvements in diagnostics, treatment, care, rehabilitation, and lifestyle habits. The work is led by UCCC’s clinical process leaders, who are experts in their respective tumor diagnoses. Collaboration within the process groups is essential in achieving high-quality cancer care. These groups work on a multidisciplinary level locally, regionally, and nationally, in collaboration with patient organisations.
  • UCCC is developing the role of contact nurses in coordinating care for patients and their families.
  • UCCC is systematically developing collaborations and partnerships with patients to increase their involvement in the development of care, research, and education within the cancer centre.
  • UCCC promotes patient-centred care, ensuring that care and treatment decisions are made in close consultation with the patient. We offer individually tailored information to all patients regarding their disease and treatment.
  • UCCC has all the essential resources required for modern and comprehensive cancer care, including the swift implementation of new technologies and treatments such as precision medicine, new therapies within Advanced Therapeutical Medicinal Products (ATMP), new drugs, new surgical methods, quality palliative care, available rehabilitation, and identification of long-term effects after cancer treatment.
  • UCCC operates in accordance with the cancer plan for Healthcare Region Mid Sweden, which is nationally and locally anchored and approved by the political majority in Uppsala.

We are an efficient learning organisation working data-driven to ensure quality

UCCC is working to develop a continuously learning organisation that is data-driven in developing work methods and processes, with the goal of achieving the highest quality.

  • Data on process and quality indicators is available and regularly reported to all staff.
  • Our multidisciplinary and multiprofessional teams collaborate across clinic boundaries and develop work methods and processes supported by available data.
  • Regular reports from clinical process leaders provide UCCC management with the tools to guide cancer care swiftly and efficiently.
  • We plan ahead and create a sustainable workplace, aiming to retain current staff and attract new employees by applying knowledge and understanding of the care environment, as well as staff’s and patients’ wishes.
  • We develop highly specialised care through continuous, evidence-based development and research.

We continuously improve care through research, education, and development

We create optimal conditions for broad, high-quality research and development in close collaboration with Uppsala University and the Life Science sector.

  • UCCC offers the most advanced cancer care thanks to a well-developed infrastructure, access to technical equipment, and strong collaboration between the hospital and the university.
  • UCCC has an extensive network of clinical, epidemiological, and basic science researchers with access to a well-developed research infrastructure that enables broad, high-quality translational cancer research, where ideas can swiftly progress from the laboratory to clinical trials.
  • We strive for high participation in both academic and company-initiated clinical treatment studies aimed at improving care and gaining new knowledge to benefit future patients worldwide.
  • Research and development are conducted in collaboration with companies in Uppsala’s Life Science sector, where UCCC functions as an effective and competent partner. UCCC helps biotech companies conduct early-stage studies, making many innovative treatment and diagnostic studies available to patients.
  • Through extensive clinical research, our staff stays up to date on the latest treatment and diagnostic methods early on.
  • We collaborate with other regions within the Healthcare region Mid Sweden to introduce a framework that allows patients from other regions to participate in Uppsala-led studies.
  • UCCC actively contributes to the university’s undergraduate programmes.
  • UCCC continuously works on continuing education for all healthcare professions.
  • We encourage doctoral education, qualifications for associate professorships, and qualifications for professorships for healthcare professionals.

We collaborate and have an extensive healthcare and research network

UCCC has a vast healthcare network, and we collaborate within national and international cancer networks.

  • A strong management team at UCCC collaborates with the management teams of Uppsala University Hospital and Uppsala University, involving patient associations and Region Uppsala’s local cancer council. This creates a unified approach and favourable conditions for progress and the development of cancer care.
  • UCCC plays a significant role in Healthcare region Mid Sweden, which consists of seven self-governing regions, by supporting and driving highly specialised cancer care.
  • We play a central role in shaping the national care programmes.
  • UCCC has an active and leading role within national networks and is involved in relevant international networks concerning both research, healthcare, and cancer care organisation.
  • UCCC plays an active role in Nordic and European associations for specific disease groups.

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