How is the work at UCCC governed?

En byggnad på akademiska sjukhuset

Uppsala Comprehensive Cancer Centre (UCCC) is a formalisation of an already strong collaboration between Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala University, and the Regional Cancer Centre (RCC Central Sweden Healthcare Region). The centre brings these entities together to operate within an efficient learning organisation, working in a structured, data-driven way with continuous improvements in cancer care, research, and development.

The organisation of the centre is based on the existing structures of its partners, and they are all represented on the board of UCCC. The board makes long-term and strategic decisions for the centre and is supported by a working committee and a research committee. The board’s decisions are executed by the director and the operational team.

Collaboration with patients and their families takes place at various levels within UCCC and has been formalised through the centre’s Patient and Family Advisory Council. Research is continuously evaluated by a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which has a broad base of expertise in basic, translational, and clinical research.

Organisation map over UCCC


The centre is led by a board comprising representatives from the hospital’s management, its departments, Uppsala University, and RCC, Regional Cancer Centre. The board works on the centre’s strategic issues, and with senior decision-makers from each respective entity as representatives; the board has full decision-making authority regarding the centre’s overall issues. The board meets four times a year, and the chair is responsible for convening the meetings.

Marianne van Rooijen, Hospital Director at Uppsala University Hospital, specialist physician in gynecology and obstetrics.

Centre Manager
Ingrid Glimelius, Senior Consultant and Professor in Oncology and Epidemiology, Chair of the Local Cancer Council in Region Uppsala.

Centre Coordinator
Alexandra Karström, Deputy Head of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Centre Coordinator
Maria Andersson Ödman, Deputy Head of the Department of Hematology and Oncology, PhD in Molecular Biology with a focus on cancer research.

Centre Coordinator
Lina Gifting, intensive care nurse and project manager

Operational Director
Gunilla Wahlstrom, Head of production at Uppsala University Hospital, specialist physician internal medicine

Medical Director, Surgery
Bengt Isaksson, Head of the Department of Surgery and Urology, Senior Consultant, and Adjunct Professor in Surgery.

Medical Director, Oncology
Henrik Lindman, Head of the Department of Hematology and Oncology, Senior Consultant, and Associate Professor in Oncology.

Chief Financial Officer
Ebba Öhlund, Business Controller.

Head of Research and Chair of the Research Committee
Eva Tiensuu Janson, Senior Consultant and Professor in Medicine, Vice-Rector for the Medical and Pharmaceutical Science Domain at Uppsala University.

Head of Quality
Johan Lugnegård, Senior Consultant in Cardiology, Chief Physician at Uppsala University Hospital.

Nurse Director
Marie Sjödin, Chief Nurse at Uppsala University Hospital.

University Representative
Gunilla Enblad, Senior Consultant and Professor in Oncology.

RCC Representative
Sandra Irenius, Specialist in Oncology.

Chair of Patient and Family Advisory Council (Patient och närståenderåd, PNR)
Kim Höglund

Working Committee

The Working Committee acts as an extension and preparatory body of the board. Its tasks include setting the agenda, preparing presentation materials, and providing decision-making support for board meetings. It also plans and follows up on development projects decided by the board.


Ingrid Glimelius, Centre Manager
Henrik Lindman, Medical Director, Oncology
Bengt Isaksson, Medical Director, Surgery
Johan Lugnegård, Head of Quality
Eva Tiensuu Janson, Head of Research
Maria Andersson Ödman, Centre Coordinator
Alexandra Karström, Centre Coordinator
Lina Gifting, Centre Coordinator

Loggor as, uu. rcc.png