Our Services

En man ska genomföra en röntgenundersökning

Cancer is the leading cause of illness and lost years of life across Europe. In recent decades, cancer treatments have made significant advances, improving survival rates and reducing side effects. Many new treatments, particularly cancer drugs, have led to cures or prolonged life even in cases of advanced cancer, resulting in long-term remissions. At the same time, the incidence of cancer continues to rise, leading to a growing number of patients needing care.

To meet these demands, Uppsala Comprehensive Cancer Centre (UCCC) was established to coordinate care and research, ensuring that we continue to improve and provide the best possible care for our patients.

During autumn 2024, UCCC will undergo an external review as part of its goal to achieve accreditation in accordance with the standards set by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI). The OECI is a European non-profit organisation, established in 1979, with the aim of fostering high-quality and equitable cancer care through collaboration among European healthcare providers and research institutions.

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