Hospital Chaplaincy
The office of the hospital chaplaincy is by entrance 70. Both you and your relatives are welcome to contact us. Service times are displayed on a notice board in each ward.
There is a meditation room available on the ground floor by entrance 85 and at the entrance floor by entrance 10.
The hospital Chaiplancy offers support, individual visits and pastoral care. It organises regular Christian services in the meditation room at entrance 85. Moreover, the Chaiplancy offers individual prayers/Holy Communion and performs Christenings in crisis situations. It also organises contact with the patient's local church and representatives from different religions. Lastly, it participates in training situations and staff groups.
Hospital Chaplaincy consisting of clergy, pastor, deacons and coordinators for the Christian churches, Islam and Buddhist tradition.
Contact us through the hospital switchboard or by nursing staff.
On Thursdays 11.15 we celebrate communion service at entrance 85.
Contact us at +46 18-611 34 90 or by the switch +46 18-611 00 00.